Allow yourself to feel all your feelings

It is so important to work through all your feelings. When we only want to feel happiness and we choose to hide our sadness , it will only backfire. I like write morning pages about 4 times a week, sometimes I write a page , sometimes I write three pages. This helps me express all the feelings that pop up, at times I didn’t even know I was feeling that way. It’s a safe place to express your feelings and I have learned to lean into sad feelings like shame, guilt and anger. These feelings are usually masking a deeper sadness that has been unresolved and helps me to do deeper work. Its not always easy to write so I have found a free APP that I can check in on my phone each day. This app is free through the How We Feel project led by Marc Bracket from the Yale Child Study Center. This has helped me tremendously, I hope it helps you!!


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